Valmy School welcomes Bilton School!
They come from Rugby, near
Birmingham. Their teacher, Miss Grimes, has been working with Mme Havas for a
few years.
We, la Section Européenne 3e,
welcomed them with the students of Section Européenne 4e.
They arrived round
midday and left before 3pm. So we had lunch together and showed them
around. We also worked together on
English and French expressions and we ended the meeting with songs.
Angelica: "I met my pen-friend. Her name is Rebecca, she is tall and she has long brown
saw her in the video so we immediately found each other. After that, we ate loads
of cakes.
is very funny because when I asked her about something, she smiled with 2
thumbs up!!!
a moment, we decided to pick some cakes on each table. I enjoyed this!
only thing that I didn't like was the songs because the system didn't work ..."
Alice: "The day with our penfriends was very nice. When I saw Lauren I had the feeling that we already knew each other. But she was surprised when I kissed her on the cheek to say hello, because in England you only wave your hand§ I felt a bit embarrassed. Our pen-pals found our school very small. " Only four floors?" they said. Now I am very curious to see their school!"
Anouk : "It was really fun! My pen-friend is Charlie. I
went to him, and introduce myself to him. Zoé and Célia were with me, so after
meeting Charlie, we went to Ben, ( Zoé’s pen-friend) and Pia (Célia’s ). They were
with two other boys, Richard and Jake. We ate together, talked about Paris ,
Rugby, London… After, we show them our little school, ( I think it wasn’t a big
experience for them but anyway…) and they told us that in their school, they
are 1000 ! Then, we went to the school yard, very briefly because it was
raining and it was cold. Then we had to do a short activity Miss Havas had
prepared: in groups, and we had to
translate French and English expressions… I was with the same pupils, it was
really funny too !
Anastasia: " I could see my penfriend and I was so excited! We ate together and we talked about school, France, England... It was great! Then we met my friends, we spoke and laughed with them and my pen-friend. It was my favourite moment and, I think, my penfriend's favourite moment too! "
Jeanne: " We had made cakes and organised the hall to welcome them. They arrived at 11.30 and we were very excited§ We chatted a lot but we also worked: we had to translate French expressions into English and English expressions into French. It was not very funny but we talked a lot with our penfriends so it was quite cool. Then we sang two songs. It was ridiculous because we didn't know the lyrics very well, but it was fun! I din't see my penfriend, maybe she was not on the trip.
Kamil: " There was a good atmosphere but I had no chair and no picnic. After lunch, we visited the schoolyard and some classrooms, but my pen-friend didn't seem interested. Then the whole European section sang "Formidable" and " When I 'm sixty-four", but I personally didn't know the song well."
Marie L.: " My pen-friend was a bit shy, so I didn't talk to her a lot. But I was with friends and their penfriends, and I talked a lot and laughed withe them. It was a very good, funny and pleasant moment."
Célia: " When my penfriend saw me, she gave me a hug a said hello in French with her accent, it was so cute! So I was very happy and not shy at all. I met her friends too. They were all nice, especially Jake because he was fun and had a good temper.
Lucile: " It's complicated to find the best moment, they were all great. But I just want to say that the proverb " the more the merrier" isn't true at all. In ly group, we were only six and it was awesome! We talked about plenty of different things like holidays or teachers. "
Miya :" My pen friend’s name is
Lauren. She had a group of friends: they were five girls, and they were really nice, but they were a little too serious.
Right before they left, I went to see Lauren and gave her a kiss, as many
people do to say hello or goodbye. She had a movement back and she seemed
surprised. After, at the end of the English class, we ask our English teacher Mrs
Houdas why, and she told us that the English never kiss to say hello or
Annah: " After meal, in the schoolyard, we taught our pen-friends some expressions that school boys and girls use. Then we visited the school: the English students were fascinated by the hives and bees!
Joyce: "I saw my pen-pal Emma and she was very nice. She loves music and we have the same favourite band so she let me listen to music on her phone. I think the best moment we had was at lunchtime. With our friends, we all took a plate and went to all tables to pick up food! The cakes were delicious!"
Ethel: "When I was the English pupils
it was very funny, especially when we went to the schoolyard: they were totally lost because there were so
many people around them just saying hello or things like that ... After we just
sat on a bench and we talked about our life, and about our language. We (the French
students) taught them some words that we often use like : boloss!!! At a moment, a French boy came and said:
"c'est des boloss les anglais". It was so funny because our new
friends understood!"
Mélissa: " Lots of our English pen-friends were there, but not mine. She didn't come to Paris. So I talked to Ethel's penfriend a lot. Her name is Rachel and she is great fun, I really like her! It was a good day, like last year. It was too bad for my penfriend, I really wanted to see her, but now I must wait until December. "
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